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Prenuptial Agreement: Securing Your Future Before Saying 'I Do

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract created by a couple before marriage, outlining how assets and liabilities will be divided in the event of divorce or death. It typically addresses property division, spousal support, and other financial matters, providing clarity and protection for both parties by establishing predetermined terms for asset distribution.

Having a prenuptial agreement lawyer in Florida offers numerous benefits, especially considering the complexities of such agreements. A prenuptial agreement, often referred to as a "prenup agreement," is a legal document outlining asset division, spousal support, and other financial matters in the event of divorce or death.

By working with a prenuptial agreement attorney, couples can ensure that their prenup complies with Florida laws and addresses all necessary elements, such as full financial disclosure and fair and voluntary execution. Additionally, a prenuptial agreement lawyer can facilitate open communication between partners, helping them discuss sensitive financial topics and reach agreements that protect both parties' interests. With legal guidance, couples can create prenuptial agreements that provide clarity and security, offering peace of mind for their future together.


Attorneys in Charge

Kendall Lee

Kendall Lee


Deena Renee Soliman Braun

Deena Renee Soliman Braun, Esq.

Managing Attorney

Deena Renee Soliman Braun is the managing attorney at The Soliman Law Firm. She oversees every case to ensure the greatest possible outcome for our clients. What makes Deena very special to the firm, is her passion for all her client's outcomes. She is highly driven, motivated and aggressive in her cases.


Prenuptial Agreement Attorney: Protecting Your Future Together

Prenuptial Agreement

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