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Understanding Domestic Violence in Florida Family Law

In Florida family law, "DV" typically refers to Domestic Violence. Domestic violence encompasses a range of abusive behaviors occurring within personal relationships, such as those between spouses, partners, parents and children, or other family members. Florida law defines domestic violence as any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member.

Domestic violence is a grave concern within family law, particularly in the state of Florida where statutes and regulations are designed to provide protection and recourse for victims. In Florida, domestic violence encompasses a spectrum of abusive behaviors that occur within personal relationships, including those between spouses, partners, parents and children, or other family members. The legal framework in Florida defines domestic violence broadly, encompassing various forms of physical and psychological abuse.

Under Florida law, domestic violence includes acts such as assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another. This comprehensive definition ensures that a wide range of abusive behaviors are recognized and addressed within the legal system.

The implications of domestic violence allegations or instances in Florida family law proceedings are profound. They can significantly impact various aspects of family law cases, including child custody, visitation rights, and the division of marital assets. Recognizing the severity of domestic violence, Florida law provides for protective measures aimed at safeguarding victims and preventing further harm.

One of the primary legal remedies available to victims of domestic violence in Florida is the issuance of restraining orders, commonly known as injunctions for protection against domestic violence. These orders prohibit the perpetrator from contacting or coming near the victim, offering a crucial layer of protection during a vulnerable time. The legal process surrounding domestic violence cases in Florida involves filing petitions, attending court hearings, and potentially obtaining and enforcing protective orders.

In addition to legal measures, Florida offers a range of support resources for victims of domestic violence. These resources include shelters providing safe housing, counseling services offering emotional support and guidance, and legal aid organizations assisting with navigating the complex legal procedures. By accessing these resources, victims can find support and assistance in breaking free from abusive situations and rebuilding their lives.

Understanding domestic violence in the context of Florida family law is essential for both victims and legal professionals. By recognizing the legal definitions, protective measures, and support resources available, individuals can take proactive steps to address domestic violence and work towards achieving safety, justice, and healing within the family law system.


Attorneys in Charge

Kendall Lee

Kendall Lee


Deena Renee Soliman Braun

Deena Renee Soliman Braun, Esq.

Managing Attorney

Deena Renee Soliman Braun is the managing attorney at The Soliman Law Firm. She oversees every case to ensure the greatest possible outcome for our clients. What makes Deena very special to the firm, is her passion for all her client's outcomes. She is highly driven, motivated and aggressive in her cases.


Navigating Domestic Violence in Florida Family Law: Legal Definitions, Protective Measures, and Support Resources

Domestic Violence Injunctions

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