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Navigating Family Relocation: Legal Guidance for Smooth Transition and Compliance

Family relocation in family law refers to the process of one or both parents moving with their children to a new location, often after divorce or separation. It involves legal considerations regarding custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and obtaining court approval if the move significantly impacts the children's access to the other parent.

The Florida family law relocation statute outlines the legal requirements and procedures for a parent seeking to relocate with a child a certain distance away from their current residence. It is important to have a family lawyer by your side when dealing with relocation cases because they can provide expert guidance on navigating the complex legal requirements outlined in the statute. A family lawyer can help ensure that you comply with all legal requirements, such as providing proper notice to the other parent and obtaining court approval for the relocation, ultimately protecting your rights and interests throughout the process.

In Florida, the family law relocation statute refers to Section 61.13001 of the Florida Statutes, which outlines the legal requirements and procedures for a parent seeking to relocate with a child a certain distance away from their current residence. This statute sets forth guidelines for parental relocation, including notice requirements, factors for the court to consider when evaluating relocation petitions, and the process for modifying existing custody or visitation arrangements due to relocation. The purpose of the statute is to ensure that relocation decisions are made in the best interests of the child and that both parents have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.


Attorneys in Charge

Kendall Lee

Kendall Lee


Deena Renee Soliman Braun

Deena Renee Soliman Braun, Esq.

Managing Attorney

Deena Renee Soliman Braun is the managing attorney at The Soliman Law Firm. She oversees every case to ensure the greatest possible outcome for our clients. What makes Deena very special to the firm, is her passion for all her client's outcomes. She is highly driven, motivated and aggressive in her cases.


Understanding Family Relocation Laws in Florida: Rights, Procedures, and Considerations

Family Relocation

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